Stretching - what, why, and how?
This is an easy summary for parents to read with their children.
When you visit the physiotherapist, they will measure your arms and legs to see how far they can move.
They will teach you some stretches.
Stretches must be done every day to keep your muscles from getting tight.
Stretches look after the muscles in your arms and legs to help you with activities like writing or walking. Stretches are important to keep your muscles long and flexible.
Stretching means you have to hold still in one position for a time. Depending on the exercise, you may have to stay there for 5-15 minutes.
It may feel a little uncomfortable but should not be painful. This is called ‘feeling a stretch’.
Feeling a stretch is ok.
Feeling a stretch is safe.
Feeling a stretch is good for your body.
Any queries: Contact your local physiotherapist if you are having any worries with your stretching program.
Compiled using images from a Boardmaker® subscription by the neuromuscular team, RCH Melbourne